How ’bout Them Zombies?

Have you ever been so mad that you shot someone because they didn’t agree with you about a TV show? If you have, you may need therapy…and lots of it! But if you shot your girlfriend over an argument about a TV show…you need to sort out your priorities.

A 26-year-old man from Long Island, New York named Jared Gurman (sounds pretty close to Gunman) shot his girlfriend in the back after an argument over the TV show “The Walking Dead,”. The unidentified woman suffered from a pierced lung and diaphragm, and also one shattered rib.

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The argument started when Gurman was out with his girlfriend and the two began arguing over “The Walking Dead”. Gurman apparently felt strongly that there could be a “military mishap” that would end in some sort of virus being released. The woman took Gurman back to his home and refused to stay the night at his house, the fight then continued over texts. Once the dialogue between the two became so “angry and bitter”, the woman became worried and went back to his place to check on him. It was around 2:30 a.m. when she arrived at his house and saw Gurman outside the door holding a .22-caliber rifle.

The woman tried to reason with him, calm him down, by walking up the steps to talk to him. Once she started to get closer to him he shot the gun into her back only once, but was enough to cause serious injuries. After Gurman shot the woman he brought her to the hospital to be treated. The police arrived at the hospital where Gurman told them that it was accidental, but later told the truth that he did it on purpose.


I’ve never watched this show, but if I were Jared Gurman I definitely wouldn’t have gotten so mad to the point of shooting someone just because they don’t agree with me. Some people…they might as well become zombies themselves 😉

Categories: current events, new york, news, shooting, the walking dead, tv show, zombies | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Non-Number Zero


Is zero not a real number? Is it even a number? The mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg (that sounds fancy), introduced this a rationing for the public after hurricane Sandy.

With the shortage of fuel in New York the mayor said, “Drivers in New York City who have licence plates that end in an odd number or end in a letter or other character will be able to gas or diesel only on odd-numbered days such as tomorrow which happens to be the 9th. Those with licence plates ending in an even number, or the number zero, will be able to buy gas or diesel only on even number days such as Saturday November 10th.”

With this ration, where does zero fit? Is it odd or is it even? Lots of people in New York are placing zero in with the odd numbers, but the mayor says that it is placed with the even numbers. Even mathematicians say that zero is an even number.

In my opinion I think that zero is an even number because lots of even numbers end in zero; 10, 20, 30…etc. My other reason is that numbers go in a pattern of odd to even or even to odd. If you classified zero as an odd number, the pattern would go odd, odd, even, odd, even, etc.

What do you think, is it even or odd? Is is even a number at all?

Categories: current events, Hurricane Sandy, new york, news | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments

“You’re a wizard, Harry.”

Have you ever wanted to be a wizard? You know…hop on the train at “Platform 9 3/4”, then get on a boat and row your way to the shores of Hogwarts? Take a ride on the moving staircases and talk to the painting while doing so? Even play quidditch? You might even be able to cast the spell “Avada Kedavra”, otherwise known as the killing curse. Or “Wingardium Leviosa”, just don’t pronounce it as “Leviosar” or else Hermione may correct you…

With Playstation’s Wonderbook, which uses AR (augmented reality) and is only compatible with the Playstation Move, you may not be able to do all of those things, but you will definitely be able to cast spells.

The game is set to be 200 years before the events that occurred in the Harry Potter series. You have found the book in the restricted area of the Hogwarts school library and gradually start reading through the book, learning the spells. All of the spells that you see are ones from all of the Harry Potter movies, Wingardium Leviosa, Lumos, and Incendio are some of the first spells that you will encounter in the game. There is a narrator leading you through the book, who has a seemingly similar voice to one David Tennant, who helps guide you through the spells and explains what you are to do on each page.

Each spell is learned over a few pages which will include the background story of each spell, this is said in the form of a short story. Not only will you have to move the motion controller around like an actual want, but you will also have to learn the pronunciation of the spells and say them out loud. You have the ability to master the spells, but there are also other bonus games. At the end of each chapter you will be transported away from the library to complete a challenge that will test your knowledge on that chapter’s spells.

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter book series, helped in the process of creating this game. Everything that you see has been reviewed by herself so you know that this is legit! I think that this is a really cool game, from the videos that I’ve seen. The way that you are in control of what goes on seems like a good concept. It’s games like this that makes me wish I had a PS3…

Categories: british, franchise, gameplay, harry potter, movies | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Disney Wars?

Early afternoon on October 30th, Disney acquired Lucasfilm Ltd. for a $4.05 billion in cash and stock. This price includes the rights to both the Star Wars and Indiana Jones film franchises, as well as the properties of Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound. It has been confirmed by Disney that they are targeting 2015 for Star Wars: Episode 7, and also plan to release a new movie every two to three years. George Lucas, the current 100% owner of Lucasfilm Ltd., said in a recent interview “For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see Star Wars passed from one generation to the next. It is now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of film makers.”

The question that is going through every Star Wars movie fan is: what will the next bunch of movies look like? Good or bad? Some are wondering if there will be more cartoonish characters, like the Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks from previous movies, since Disney is now in control of the franchise. Another thing that is a change is that Princess Leia will become, none other, than a Disney princess. If Princess Leia becomes a Disney princess, then that would mean that the infamous Darth Vader would become a vicious Disney Villain.

Fans of the Star Wars movies have an idea to turn Tomorrowland into Star Wars Land . Since Star Wars will soon be a big part of the Mouse House, Disney will have to figure out a way to fit Star Wars into their parks with or without this idea. Some people want a Death Star Battle where you can jump into an X-Wing and blow up the Death Star’s thermal exhaust port, which I think will be pretty cool if it did happen! Some fans of the Star Wars franchise think that it is time to take away the bumber-car ride and turn it into a podracer station attraction, which I also think would be cool…even if I am almost 14.

So long for now, and may the force be with you!

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Similarities and Differences

Hi, reader! This past week we have looked at the Idea Hive Interest Survey to get to know each other better. Our job is to make a post about who is most like us and who is the most unlike us from Wingham. I’m going to start out with the people who are most like me.

Melissa is like me because her favourite movie is The Hunger Games, she’s been to Florida, and we both like to hang out with our friends when we’re not at school.

Shelby H is like me because her favourite movie is The Hunger Games, and she wants to be a teacher for a career.

Niah is like me because her favourite movie is The Hunger Games, she can sing, and she likes to hang our with her friends.

So, basically, if you like anything The Hunger Games related you’re a good person in my book 😛

There were a lot of people who are unlike me, most of the guys and some of the girls.

Preston is very different than me, except for the fact that his favourite movie is The Hunger Games.

I am very different than Ryan because we have nothing in common.

Finally, I have nothing in common with Shelby A except that we both hate spiders!

Anyway, it was great to get to know all of you from Wingham more 🙂


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Welcome, welcome!

Hi there, reader! My name is Tayla, I’m 13, and I am a verified fangirl, I don’t know how to explain it if you don’t know what it means. I have a cat, a black cat to be more specific, named Jonas. I have four brothers and sisters: Jackson and Brayden, and Makenna and Katy, and I am the oldest.

I like

I guess, that is all that you need to know about me. Bye!

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